Saturday, 2 November 2013

Focus on… my blush collection

Lately the weather has been soooo hot in Dubai that I’ve been wearing bare minimal make up to let my skin breathe, so that it doesn’t slide off my face and also because after an awesome holiday in Bali I’ve got a touch of a tan so have got a healthy glow naturally (doesn’t happen often!).  The four things however that I have worn every day without fail are the same eyebrow pencil, black mascara, undereye concealer and pressed power – but I’ve mixed it up by wearing different coloured blush. 
My blush collection is not huge, but I like to think that it’s varied…  I am addicted to Sleek Make Up blushes, that I brought over to Dubai when I moved here. The first Sleek blush that I picked up was Life’s a Peach and after that I was hooked!  I love Sleek blushes because they last all day, they’re really affordable and the colour is a true likeness when you put on your skin.

Life’s A Peach is a bright peachy orange, it’s matte (of course!) and gives a fabulous wash of colour on an otherwise bare face.  It really isn’t as scary bright as in the palette and you can build it up or just use a hint.  

I’ve also got Pixie Pink, a highly pigmented pastel matte pink, Flamingo – a bright, vibrant pink – with this one a little goes a loooong way.  Then there is Fenberry, (which was a limited edition and no longer available) a rich berry shade that is one of my favourites for warming up my face and complementing a strong eye with a rich cheek.  Coral is more of a dark orange / brown and is fabulous to enhance a tan or more neutral face and then there is Blush by 3 in Flame. This is a neat compact palette with three blushes – a bright matte poppy red, a matte brick red and a shimmery brick red.  I love the two matte shades, especially the brick red which seems to be the perfect match to my flushed cheeks, but I rarely use the shimmery shade (as you know I’m not a fan of shimmer!). 

My other blushes come from the Coastal Scents 6 contour blush palette – I use the two neutral pinky shades as blush – the other four shades I use for contouring… these are more subtle, natural colours than the Sleek blushes and don’t tend to last so long but are great for low key make up looks.

So – my advice – don’t be shy to try bright vivid blush colours!  When you’re wearing next to nothing make up, a bit of colour on your cheeks goes a long way but isn’t too out there (perfect for work!) and in the hot hot Dubai summer matte powder blushes stay put, don’t get shiny and seem to be sweatproof…. 

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